Hearing Protection and earplugs by HearingTech
HearingTech manufactures cutomised hearing protection and earplugs ?under the name ELACIN. Safe, comfortable and completely equipped for working in a noisy environment, while still enabling communication. ELACIN: the right choice for every employee who takes their hearing seriously. And for every employer who has their employees' health and welfare at heart.
It is a known statistic that one of the primary reasons for not wearing hearing protection or earplugs is due to the wearer not being able to communicate or hear audible warnings, along with certain products being uncomfortable to wear for long periods.
HearingTech in brief :
- Available to purchase online at EarPlugOnline
- The Australian manufacturer and distributor of Elacin Hearing Protection & earplugs.
- Both of the shelf and custom made hearing protection & earplugs.
- Certified to AS/NZS 1270 -2002. Download report here
- Distributors in all Australian states.
- Money back guarantee.
- If you are interested in an overview of popular Elacin hearing protection, click here
- If you are a musician, DJ, nightclub staff or patron or rock concert attendee click here
- If you work in heavy industry click here or click here
- If you are a DIY handy person click here
- If you are a traveller, sleeper or student click here
- If you are a pilot/aviator click here
- If you work in a noisy environment and speech intelligibility is important click here
- If you are a motor sport enthusiast or a motor cyclist click here
- If you are a shooter click here
- If you require In Ear Monitors (IEM) for music click here
- If you want hearing protection & you communicate on a two-way radio or mobile phone click here or click here
- If you want to purchase online, then visit? EarPlugOnline